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Take the survey at the top of the left column. If the answer is "Yes", I will initiate a non-password protected chat room for the use of visitors to this blog.
This will be the "free" version of Geesee Chat and will include advertisement that CCPOA does not, necessarily, endorse.
The Blogmaster
Monday, April 7, 2008
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The survey reminds me of the Chapter elections. 28 people voted! Nobody cares, unless you talk about money!
It's a sighen that only 30 out of 1200 people reed this blog. You are so corect, no mony no care. Oh bye the way are we getting any money this year?
No one cares until they have an issue. No one who is involved gets paid for being a Steward or chapter offical, local officals had nothing to do with what has happened or not happened with contract negoications you need to speak to Mike Jiminez or Marty Aroian who will be at the town hall meeting on the 16th
Well did you vote? the ballots are mailed to your house a prepaid envlope is inside to mail it, but your wrong 350 out of 1000 voted not 28. So yeah maybe no one cares until you have a problem then your beating a path to a phone to call a steward everyone complains but no one comes to the meetings weather their at the institution or at a restruant , so got an issue come to a meeting and air it!!!!
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