Friday, June 5, 2009

The LAO Weighs In On McCauley's, Most Recent, Fiasco.

The Legislative Analyst's Office shares my concerns over the Federal problems that Paul McCauley's initiative may create.

Click HERE for the report from the LAO, pay particular attention to page 3.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't McCauley do any homework on these crazy ideas of his?

Anonymous said...

Well GEE, California can make some really good money off of this deal, if it just wasn't illegal.

The question is, if this should pass and the Franchise Tax Board takes money from out of state retirees, will CDCR let all of the convicts out of prison who merely tried to make money off of illegal activities just like the State of California????

After all, they will lead by example.

Will the Governor face a RICO prosecution?

Anonymous said...

Let's take a look at what McCauley's peer CPAs think about him: