Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paul McCauley's Secret Agenda.

With his pholosophy of, "Whatever it takes to get the job done.", Paul McCauley has, seemingly, revealed his true motivation, for either his incompetence or deception, in attempting to amend the California Constitution through the Initiative process.

Within the last sentence of Mr. McCauley's, ill conceived, proposal is an insight into Mr. McCauley's true agenda. In his final statement, " . . as well as to make an urgent response to global warming effects on the environment.", Mr. McCauley exposes himself as a Deacon in the Church of Global Warming and he wants to sacrifice the elderly and their current pensions on its altar.

My reasoning for this presumption is simple. This stipulation is, completely, out of place when compared with the other purposes which Mr. McCauley has embraced in his initiative. As any purveyor of Sesame Street can attest, the game of "One of these things is not like the other things.", a game which encouraged children to make critical comparisons to determine which, among several items, is out of place, has come into play as Mr. McCauley's "sore thumb".

While Mr. McCauley attempts to take the moral high ground for his robbery of the elderly, his support of global warming issues, and his willingness to put the elderly out in the cold for their support, has been obfuscated but not lost in his rhetoric.

Global Warming (or climate change as it is now being called, due to the confusion among its proponents) is still controversial and there is NO consensus in the scientific community regarding its reality. More controversial still is the notion that climate change is being caused by human activities, and a substantial number of prominent scientists dispute the philosophy that global warming (climate change) is caused by anything other than natural occurrances within our world and our universe.

Mr. McCauley wishes to stir up the fervor of Californians, through deception, regarding economic issues to force the elderly, through reduced pension benefits, to, involuntarily, support his political causes of Global Warming/Climate Change.

Once again, Mr. McCauley's contact information, as listed in his state filings, is:

Paul McCauley, CPA
1640 5th Street, #214
Santa Monica, CA 90401-3309

Tel: (310) 230-5418
Fax: (310) 458-1026
Email: pmcca28169@aol.com


Anonymous said...

Veromi.net shows that he is associated with the "CULTURAL VIRTUAL REALITY ORGANIZATION".

A crazy fascist indeed!

CIMCCPOA Blog Master said...

He is, indeed, a kook, however, so was Adolph Hitler.

J. Lynch said...

Adolph Hitler's ideas caught on during social-economic times very similar to what we are experiencing today. That atmosphere is what allows pond scum to float into the main stream and pollute it.