Monday, January 22, 2007

Update on the Elimination of the Mini-Yards at CIM

Grievances regarding the disastrous, unilateral policy of eliminating the Mini-Yards have been filed by one of the institution's most experienced Job Stewards.

Jerry Lerouge has identified and grieved two major contract violations that have been committed by the current CIM administration.

They are violations of:

1. §27.01/Sideletter #8 which requires notice to CCPOA, prior to any policy change, for the purpose of opening negotiations regarding the change. Notice which CIM failed to tender,


2. §6.02 Health and Safety due to the negative security impact this new policy/procedure has on BU6 employees.

The CIM Chapter of CCPOA remains flummoxed as to the reasoning behind this clandestine policy change and we await a full explanation of how less security is better security.

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