Friday, March 28, 2008

The results of April's Continuous bid.

For the results of April's Continuous bid for C/Os, Click Here


Anonymous said...

Where can I bid for the RCRMC sleep, sunglasses, and sunflower seed patrol spotter if I am a supervisor?

Anonymous said...

I could not help but notice the Hospital positions on the bid result. Did the local chapter meet and confer on these positions?
I know that CCSO met with management on the Supervisor positions this week. I was unaware of a table regarding officer positions as it relates to MHSDS positions along with the reliefs. What gives CIM union?

Anonymous said...

Management and CCPOA local did meet on the new Hospital positions.You may be thinking about the positions that have not been actavated yet. It appears that Management has been proactive with the supervisors and the up comming positions. We hope that they take that same approach with us. We have not set a date for this to take place. Remember when the new jobs come on line the LBFO has exempted transporation posts from Post & Bid and we will not see them on any Bid form. I belive we will see some new Plata jobs but most will be relief.
