On January 1, 2007, the CIM Cyber-Forum has changed to the blog format. There are several advantages to this format that make this more desirable for the membership.
First, there is the "free" factor. Having a website incurs web hosting and registrar fees, however, a blog is free.
Secondly, is the increased functionality and two-way communications the blog interface provides to the membership through the "Comments" section, without requiring the typical advertising on a free website interface.
Hopefully you will find this a more useful venue than a traditional website.
When will the CDC Forum on the pacovilla.com bulletin board be up and running again?
How much chapter money was wasted on "Guard Space" flyers that did nothing but make you dizzy to read them?
How will the chapter be informed now?
Fortunately, you have discovered one of the primary forms of information dissemination for the CIM Chapter of CCPOA.
The bulletin boards in the facilities will also be utilized, however, their use is limited by wall space. This blog has 15 MB of free space which is enough to post a LOT of 411.
Who is going to do something about the Holidays and Vacations which are being handed out with no covering Officers? It's stupid to give out Holidays and Vacations above and beyond the VR pool?
Then there are the positions that are being run vacant with no covering officer at all? WHAT ABOUT THAT?
The practice of utilizing even more overtime to fill behind "Officer Vacant" in the HR and VR pools, so that more Officers can have Vacation and Holiday time off to recover from all of the overtime (both involuntary and voluntary) makes no sense unless finances are figured into the equation.
Running budgeted positions vacant and filling them with overtime asks the question, "Where does the money for the budgeted positions go when the "overtime" pocket is being used to pay for the officer that actually filled the position?"
The Department has too many pockets that are utilized to finance their projects and somebody must be profiting from all of these pockets.
If not, these bizzare practices would cease.
This will be examined at length and the membership will be informed regarding this issue.
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