Thursday, December 14, 2006


From the comment section of "Why the change in format? "

Q. "When will the CDC Forum on the bulletin board be up and running again?"

A. The CIM Chapter of CCPOA cannot regulate the policies or materials posted on Pacovilla. It is (allegedly) a privately owned and operated bulletin board which operates independently of CCPOA. The autonomous nature of this bulletin board makes any, official, participation in it by CCPOA improper by the very nature of the private control.

Official CCPOA participation in any privately owned bulletin board places the organizational policies in a subservient position to the board operators who have their own policies and agendas which may be quite different from CCPOA's.

Points of view, unpopular with the private board operators, may be unfairly suppressed even though the expression of these points of view by the membership may be entirely proper and in line with CCPOA's organizational policies.

Further, albeit inadvertently, CCPOA would have the appearance of tacitly supporting the products and services advertised on the website of the private bulletin board operators. This could lead to many embarassing conflicts of interest if advertising were placed on the bulletin board or website which was inconsistant with the policies and goals of CCPOA.

One of the main factors in deciding on this blog format is the lack of advertising required for a free site, therefore separating ourselves from the appearance of support for advertised products and/or services over which we have no control.

Therefore, on and after January 1, 2007, the CIM Chapter of CCPOA chooses to, officially, disassociate itself with all privately owned and operated bulletin boards.

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