Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Compensated Volunteerism!

"I didn't get a big enough Christmas bonus last year and I need a bigger salary! You Job Stewards and Chapter Boards just don't know how tough it is here in West Sacramento trying to make ends meet.

You volunteers are just gonna have to work longer and harder so I can get more for me and my Union Paid Leave Homies! By the way, me and the boyz are paying way too much for our houses!


The changing face of unionism is changing the way that CCPOA volunteers need to start thinking. Considering all that the current Executive Council has done to the rank and file membership, perhaps the philosophy of compensated volunteerism has arrived.

"In service to our membership", that's the motto of the CCPOA volunteer. Whether they be a Job Steward, Board Member or serving on one of the numerous CCPOA committees, they make sacrifices in their personal lives to set aside time to be of service to the membership. Unlike the Executive Committee in West Sacramento, these volunteers don't get paid for their efforts even though these unpaid efforts save CCPOA tremendous sums of money because they don't have to hire professionals to do the work that the CCPOA volunteer does, FREE OF CHARGE.

In times past, volunteerism and the money that CCPOA saved in utilizing them was not an issue, why should it be an issue now?

For the first time in CCPOA's history, Board of Director's meetings have become a blood bath for any chapter President who dares to take an alternate viewpoint from Mr. Jimenez. The tactics of Mike Jimenez to get his way at the BOD meetings are intimidating the Chapter Presidents into silence, allowing Mr. Jimenez to get his way on all of HIS issues. It got him reelected didn't it?

CCPOA is spending money like a drunken sailor on projects which are, seemingly, unrelated to "Wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment", so, clearly, the EC has WAY too much Monopoly money to play with. If they run out, they just have a dues increase. Under this philosophy of opulence in office and virtual unaccountability for dues expenditures, the CCPOA volunteers have every right to demand payment for their personal sacrifices. Sacrifices which free up large sums of money for the EC to lavish upon themselves, friends (UPL) and their self-promoting pet projects.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that you are looking for a hand out Joe. We already paid you for the bad check!

CIMCCPOA Blog Master said...

Between the tremendous salaries, Christmas bonuses and discount houses being afforded to the EC, together with the $577,000 donation to Parata, together with all of the money being spent on the Schwarzenegger "Recall To Nowhere", together with all of the dues money being spent on CCPOA's favorite sons and daughters who are, permanently, on Union Paid Leave in West Sacramento, together with all of the other perquisites being lavished on the Executive Council, I doubt if CCPOA has any money left for a handout. It sounds like it's time for a dues increase.

It is fortunate that, as you point out, I got my money for the CCPOA BAD check before they file for bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

You said you were going to retire, finally according to your "Swan Song"
Doesn't Vermont have good fishing?

Just Let it go!!

Anonymous said...

Pending the appointment of a new Blogmaster, this blog will no longer be updated beyond that date.
These views are mine alone and are not representative of the CIM Chapter.

You keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CIMCCPOA Blog Master said...

Dear Anonymouse,

I guess you can't read. I have, indeed, retired from updating the CIM blog, however, I guess you didn't notice the CIM blog has a new name and a NEW LOOK????

Don't obsess over this, it's just a hobby between fishing trips.

Have a nice day!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What it sounds like to me is that anonymous gets paid. Otherwise, why would he care. Come blog at Since your in the know about the money tell us abou it because we all have questions. As for me, I'd rather money go to a stranger named "Joe" than A Democratic Senator that is more corrupt than well you know (use your imagination). "Joe" might not cost $577,000.00.