I appreciate all the support I have gotten due to my absence, but to those who feel that no one has been looking out for their interests, my Chief Job Stewards and Vice President have kept me apprised of everything that has been going on in my absence. I will be back in approximately three weeks if you have any issues feel free to call me 909 342-3415 until then thank you for all your support and I'll be back soon!
Thank You
Gary Clark CCPOA CIM Chapter President
They've been doing fine. We know how to vote next time. Stay away from Starbux.
What's the matter Marty still upset cuz ya lost? oh and it's "Starbucks" maybe your spell check wasn't working? at least your posting doesn't get deleted like they do on "Paco Villa"
Marty you must really be the man. Cause they bring up your name every chance they get.
Why does everyone insist on posting their comments anouymously?
Clark your not missing much there's nothing going on here. All the problems are in Sacramento. The guy that people should be worried about is in Sacramento. We're screwed!
Hey Marty give Gray a chance !! All our problems will be over in three weeks, He's going to walk straight in to the wardens office and fix everything..I Know he will keep all his campaign promises too...... yea right, sure
Drake thats not you on the spell check comment is it? If it is you, practice what you preach!
Well at least posts and comments stay up on here not like Paco Villa where there deleted by the monitors
At least he knows how to spell "Starbucks"
Hey at least we now know that people are reading the CIM Blog. Look at all the comments since Gary posted. Gary keep posting even if people are slamming you at least they are looking at the site.
No don't do it. Don't come back now. We were just starting to get used to the idea of the vice pres taking over. Honest, just stay home and take care of your medical issues. We like you better that way.
To: February 1, 2008 7:48 PM,
Gray was voted out of office - remember?
Now we have AHHHNIE - Remember?
I don't think Gray Davis will be walking into anyone's office anytime soon, including a Warden's.
I presume this is the "Gray" to which you refer?
Are you back? Gary we need a Prdsident on. If you dont come bak let Fred run the show.
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