Friday, February 23, 2007


Gary Clark, President
Chino Chapter
February 23, 2007

The recently won arbitration victory regarding the CDCR’s obligation to notice CCPOA regarding proposed policy changes has already begun to have profound effects in the way management interacts with CCPOA.

Prior to this victory, CDCR managers apparently considered nothing they did, regarding policy promulgation, to have “impact” on BU6 members for the purpose of triggering the implementation of §27.01 and Sideletter #8 of the BU6 MOU. Essentially, the attitude of CDCR managers and administrators towards CCPOA was, “What we do is none of your business.” The arbitrator did NOT agree.

The CDCR is now under orders to comply with these sections of the MOU and this is sending shock waves throughout the prison system.

Working in conjunction with CCPOA in Sacramento and the victory they achieved, the Chino Chapter has achieved victory without ever having to go beyond the planning stages of the proposed informational picket. Such is the reason that the online poll never materialized - there was simply no need for it after we achieved our victory. Make no mistake, now that the pry bar has opened the door for us, the obligation to meet with the Chino Chapter of CCPOA will no longer be ignored. If the arbitrator’s order is violated, it can always go back to him, immediately, for enforcement.

Pursuant to a memorandum signed by Associate Warden Mike Collier dated February 21, 2007, the Mini Yards at MSF, which were dismantled without proper notice on December 21, 2006, will be restored immediately. There will be a meet and confer between CIM and the Chino Chapter of CCPOA at a later date. This meeting will be for the purpose of negotiating and minimizing this proposed policy’s impact on BU6 employees - a meeting that management was legally obliged to notice and attend prior to the implementation of the policy.

I would like to thank Jerry Lerouge, Chief Job Steward, MSF, for filing the grievance on the abolition of the Mini Yards. The Chapter is fortunate that Jerry and his prodigious talents have come back, after a brief respite, to serve the Chapter.

I also will take this opportunity to thank the Mayor of Chino, Dennis Yates. In a meeting between Mayor Dennis Yates, Fred Stevens and I, on February 12, 2007, the Mayor expressed his willingness to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with CCPOA on the picket line to promote our common cause of staff and community safety. This is a man who is, genuinely, concerned about the plight of BU6 members at CIM as well as the Community of Chino.

Even though the proposed picket was not necessary this time, you can rest assured that CCPOA stands Battle Ready should such an action be necessary in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes ya just gotta get down!