Paul McCauley answered my latest article (below) regarding his efforts to beat up retirees, this time ALL retirees from the State Of California, not just CalPERS retirees. The email is posted below, with my response to his email below his.
================ (Paul McCauley) wrote:
> Hey Amigo,
> The proposed tax on out-of-staters is an excise tax, not an income tax. Jesus, man, don't you know the difference? The purpose of the proposed excise tax is to capture you prison guards who try to hang up your shackles at age 47, start collecting a pension then sneak out of the state to avoid paying your share of the tax burden. California already suffers too many scoflaws sneaking off without paying their bills.
> Further, Clinton signed that law while Monica Lewinsky was doing him. I suspect we can get that reversed for the asking; especially in that every state is now hurting for revenue. The law never made any sense to me and, as you say, I'm a CPA. Just another giveaway.
> PM
Joe Bradley Answers:
An excise tax is a tax on GOODS AND PRODUCTS, not income. This is an income tax because it taxes income, not goods or products. You're not a very good CPA, are you?
I'm sure the Monica Lewinsky defense will be used by California in and when this albatross hits federal court.
By the way, did you bother to tell Jerry Brown of your legal theories regarding the defense of a Federal lawsuit regarding this bit of idiocy? After all, he is the one who will have to defend it.
By the way, the Federal Government does not have an initiative system.