There has been much dissatisfaction throughout the rank-and-file CCPOA membership regarding the disconnect between the Executive Council in Sacramento and the CCPOA foot soldier on the ground. This is largely due to the rank-and-file membership being disenfranchised in the voting process for these positions.
Instead of directly voting for the Executive Council, delegates are sent to the convention to do the voting. Delegates who may or may not know the will of the chapter membership.
In this era of CCPOA, where State Board meetings become a bloodbath of gladiator games in which dissenting Chapter Presidents are put to political death for disagreeing with Mike Jimenez, including Chapter 13s filed against the dissenters by straw men and Chapters being placed under receivership, the rank and file membership needs to directly vote for the Executive Council positions, thereby bypassing the vulnerable Chapter Presidents and delegates which, currently, do the voting.
If you wish to circulate these petitions throughout your chapter, CLICK HERE.
Merely make enough copies, fill in the information at the top of the form and, after you circulate it within your chapter, present it to your Chapter President.
It may not be well received due to the fallout at State Board these Chapter Presidents are fearful of, however, these petitions will give them the built in defense that the idea didn't come from them, it came from the membership. In this way they can save themselves from the inevitable berating they will face, by Mike Jimenez, at State Board or the fate of Corcoran in which the dissenting chapter was taken over by West Sacramento.
Instead of directly voting for the Executive Council, delegates are sent to the convention to do the voting. Delegates who may or may not know the will of the chapter membership.
In this era of CCPOA, where State Board meetings become a bloodbath of gladiator games in which dissenting Chapter Presidents are put to political death for disagreeing with Mike Jimenez, including Chapter 13s filed against the dissenters by straw men and Chapters being placed under receivership, the rank and file membership needs to directly vote for the Executive Council positions, thereby bypassing the vulnerable Chapter Presidents and delegates which, currently, do the voting.
If you wish to circulate these petitions throughout your chapter, CLICK HERE.
Merely make enough copies, fill in the information at the top of the form and, after you circulate it within your chapter, present it to your Chapter President.
It may not be well received due to the fallout at State Board these Chapter Presidents are fearful of, however, these petitions will give them the built in defense that the idea didn't come from them, it came from the membership. In this way they can save themselves from the inevitable berating they will face, by Mike Jimenez, at State Board or the fate of Corcoran in which the dissenting chapter was taken over by West Sacramento.