After perusing Jon Ortiz' State Worker blog (Click Here), I discovered that robbing the elderly by allowing the reduction of their, current, retirement benefits is not Mr. McCauley's first foray into the body politic.
Paul McCauley, with all the zest of any religious zealot, has several initiatives, one of which, if enacted, will create one of the largest transfers of wealth in California's history, from the California taxpayer, directly to, what is being referred to with increasing frequency as, the "Church of Global Warming". Merely Google "Church of Global Warming" to find out more.
First, as has been previously discussed on this blog, is his plan to open the door for confiscation of the, current, benefits of California's retirees for the purpose of funding benefits for his Global Warming Alarmist parishioners. Now, lets examine his other initiative whose beneficiary will, similarly, be his Parish.
The "McCauley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act" will initiate massive tax increases in California to fund his Global Warming Religion:
Click Here for the document.
Some excellent commentary is to be found by Clicking Here.
Clearly Mr. McCauley's "Church of Global Warming" has an appetite that is so voracious that it is prepared to consume, in their turn, every catagory of California's citizenship with the confiscation of their assets for purposes that will, not only support and expand the Church doctrine, but may very well get Mr. McCauley a ride on Al Gore's private, fuel guzzling, jet.
The Church of Global Warming seems to be a beneficiary which is common to Mr. McCauley's initiatives, whether it is leaving the elderly destitute or chasing money out of the state, Mr. McCauley is one of the churches most dedicated fundraisers.
The question that each and every California citizen must now ask is, "When will YOU be in Mr. McCauley's cross hairs?"
Mr. McCauley has provided the following contact information:
Paul McCauley, with all the zest of any religious zealot, has several initiatives, one of which, if enacted, will create one of the largest transfers of wealth in California's history, from the California taxpayer, directly to, what is being referred to with increasing frequency as, the "Church of Global Warming". Merely Google "Church of Global Warming" to find out more.
First, as has been previously discussed on this blog, is his plan to open the door for confiscation of the, current, benefits of California's retirees for the purpose of funding benefits for his Global Warming Alarmist parishioners. Now, lets examine his other initiative whose beneficiary will, similarly, be his Parish.
The "McCauley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act" will initiate massive tax increases in California to fund his Global Warming Religion:
Click Here for the document.
Some excellent commentary is to be found by Clicking Here.
Clearly Mr. McCauley's "Church of Global Warming" has an appetite that is so voracious that it is prepared to consume, in their turn, every catagory of California's citizenship with the confiscation of their assets for purposes that will, not only support and expand the Church doctrine, but may very well get Mr. McCauley a ride on Al Gore's private, fuel guzzling, jet.
The Church of Global Warming seems to be a beneficiary which is common to Mr. McCauley's initiatives, whether it is leaving the elderly destitute or chasing money out of the state, Mr. McCauley is one of the churches most dedicated fundraisers.
The question that each and every California citizen must now ask is, "When will YOU be in Mr. McCauley's cross hairs?"
Mr. McCauley has provided the following contact information:
Paul McCauley, CPA
1640 5th Street, #214
Santa Monica, CA 90401-3309
Tel: (310) 230-5418
Fax: (310) 458-1026
Email: pmcca28169@aol.com