Sunday, January 28, 2007


From Fred Stevens, Vice President
Chino Chapter

The state controller’s office will deposit a $200,000,000.00 check in a CCPOA account on Monday January 29, 2007. Then the state controller has 30 days to provide a list to CCPOA for all available recipients of the settlement. CCPOA then has 30 days to compare the verification forms returned by the membership. If there are and differences then the member will be contacted. After another 10 days the state controller will start cutting the checks. In all it will take from 70 to 90 days to receive your check.

You will be paid for each qualifying month that you worked 11 or more days. Holiday time vacation time and approved workers comp will get you that seniority point. If you have a pending workers comp and you did not receive a seniority point you will not get paid from this settlement.

If it does get approved at a later time it will be up to you and or your attorney to get a settlement from the state. If you have suspensions or have been terminated and you win your case and get your Job back you must get this money in your settlement with the state. All the moneys in this settlement must be paid in 90 days. CCPOA can not hold any for any reason CIM CCPOA will have the pay arb. verification forms on or about Jan 30, you will also soon be able to get a copy of that form on the CCPOA web site. This form will be used to compare what the state controllers office provides to CCPOA.

Over time will not be a factor in the amount you receive. The money was a settlement not back pay. However most CCPOA members will receive more then they would have received if they had calculated the overtime in. It is estimated that each member will receive from $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 dollars. 10 over times per month would have gotten you $800.00 the amount you receive will be above that. In fact you would have had to make more then $110,000.00 for this to affect you. Once all is said and done over 90% of the membership will have more than what a retro check would have gotten them.

IMPORTANT: there are 600 CCPOA members in the state that did not get inputed into the controllers computers. What this means is you will receive a retro check and the raise on your check at the end of February.

In all we received a 30% increase over the life of our last MOU.

CCPOA has set up a toll free hot line ware you talk to a live person for any questions. The number is 1-877-pay-arb6 or 1-877-729-2726

Walking with you on the toughest beat in the State,


It has been brought to the Blogmaster's attention that the form is available at the CCPOA main website by clicking HERE.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Week Ending 1/26/07 - Membership Concerns

Every Friday there will be posted a "Membership Concerns" section for Chino Chapter members to post ideas regarding issues which impact them. By posting these in the "Comments" section, issues that are not brought to the attention of the local Job Stewards may be addressed.

If you have any suggestions to improve this blog, simply click "The Blogmaster", and write me an email.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Update on the Elimination of the Mini-Yards at CIM

Grievances regarding the disastrous, unilateral policy of eliminating the Mini-Yards have been filed by one of the institution's most experienced Job Stewards.

Jerry Lerouge has identified and grieved two major contract violations that have been committed by the current CIM administration.

They are violations of:

1. §27.01/Sideletter #8 which requires notice to CCPOA, prior to any policy change, for the purpose of opening negotiations regarding the change. Notice which CIM failed to tender,


2. §6.02 Health and Safety due to the negative security impact this new policy/procedure has on BU6 employees.

The CIM Chapter of CCPOA remains flummoxed as to the reasoning behind this clandestine policy change and we await a full explanation of how less security is better security.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The latest on the pay arbitration, 1/18/07

The letter from Mike Jimenez regarding the payment of the arbitration award, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January's Chapter Meeting.


January 22, 2007 at 1630


Mr. Berry's BBQ
5670 Shaefer Ave., Unit "A"
Chino, CA 91710

For the flyer and more information, CLICK HERE.

The Blogmaster

Friday, January 12, 2007

Membership Concerns, Week Ending 1-19-07

Every Friday there will be posted a "Membership Concerns" section for Chino Chapter members to post ideas regarding issues which impact them. By posting these in the "Comments" section, issues that are not brought to the attention of the local Job Stewards may be addressed.

If you have any suggestions to improve this blog, simply click "The Blogmaster", and write me an email.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Unsafe Practices at CIM.

During the administration of Larry Witek, former Warden of the California Institution for Men in Chino, one of the more security minded actions that he implemented was the concept of the Mini-Yard at the Minimum Support Facility (Minimum Custody Yard). This isolated the inmates, who were confined to their own housing unit yards, into smaller, more manageable, numbers, when they were out of their housing units exercising, and it has worked reasonably well throughout the years.

On December 21, 2006, the newly promoted Associate Warden for the MSF yard rescinded this long-standing security procedure with a memorandum ordering a cessation to the Mini-Yards by exercising all of these inmates together, on the main yard, both day and night. This newly implemented procedure places approximately 1,000 inmates together on a yard that is supervised by only 4 Correctional Officers. Clearly this is a backwards step in security at CIM.

I met with the Warden regarding this issue on January 5, 2007 and he expressed his support for the Mini-Yards, a concept which his subordinate abrogated through the December 21, 2006 memorandum.

In a meeting with the Employee Relations Officer (ERO) immediately after my conversation with the Warden, the ERO and I agreed that, prior to implementation of this emergent policy, Management was obligated to inform and meet with CCPOA, regarding this change, as per the BU6 MOU. To my knowledge, this meeting has yet to occur.

It has been my observation over the decades that Correctional Managers/Administrators tend to walk lightly around their fellow Correctional Managers/Administrators for fear of losing support by stepping on political toes, however, given such an egregious breach of security protocol, someone needs to muster up the courage to step up to the plate and take charge of the situation instead of allowing politics to play out in their own good time. It only takes an instant for Correctional Staff to be injured or killed on-the-job.

This situation makes one wonder just who is in charge of CIM. Clearly this appears to be a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Gary Clark, President

Chino Chapter


Friday, January 5, 2007

The Annual CIM Walk-Run.

Due to the recent changeover in the CIMCCPOA union administration, the CIM annual walk-run and attendant festivities scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2007, were just now discovered by the incoming Chapter President, Gary Clark.

There will be ample entertainment for the entire family and several Law Enforcement Agencies will be represented.

The event will commence at 0900 and end at 1200, with a reception at a local veterans club following the event.

This event honors fallen peace officers so please make an appearance to show your support for those who gave everything.